As your aware your not alone in your feelings. I am a thinker and upon leaving you are left with a void, it can range from how do I live to what movie shall I watch.
Personally I have felt very immature for my age because my life has been planned out for me until now. I had no ability to think for myself to make choices etc. I think you go through a process of denial - anger - relief, good and bad emotions.
Right now I wonder if the bible is from god, if there even is a god? I can now see the witlesses are just another interpretation, unfortunately delivered in a cult like manor. My main advise is to let the conditioning fade before you make any serious spiritual choices. I have just recently read the new testament and was amazed how different it was without the watchtower bias, I still dont think it applies beyond the annointed christians of that day or is even deffinately true, but you may find the answers your looking for in it without someone else telling you what it means to them.
Hang in there and time will heal you